…Exceeded my expectations!..
“Denise exceeded my expectations! Thank you Denise.”
Clear Title is committed to customer satisfaction. It is very evident through the letters and emails we receive regularly from our customers. And because every team member is dedicated to same goal, their talents are often called out. We are very proud of the job they do and on this page, we’d like to share some of the testimonials we’ve received over the years.
“Denise exceeded my expectations! Thank you Denise.”
“Tina Erwin is always a pleasure to work with. She is a great communicator and super efficient. I am always happy to see her written into a purchase contract! I know our escrow will be in good hands! You’re the best Tina!”
“Tiffanie Marrero was awesome. Very professional and proactive all throughout the transaction. Great experience.”
Tiffanie Marrero & Meghan Ruby are professional, knowledgeable and a pleasure to work with. They are super quick to respond to emails also, which is a nice bonus!
Dawn is always excellent to work with. She process files efficiently and is quick to answer any questions.
Fantastic present courteous staff who handled all with the utmost professionalism.
Efficient and clear communication, thank you!
Jeff Macias is a great title officer, very efficient and friendly!! My client loved him!
This was the first time that I have used Clear Title. Katie Boyd was very professional.
First time I have closed a transaction with them. Will use again and recommend. Communication was outstanding.
Tina and Deserae were a pleasure to work with. Feeling blessed to have worked with such a great team of professionals. It was a smooth contract to close. Can’t thank you enough!
The team we worked with were the “real deal”. Best experience!
The whole team was always smiling and never hesitated to answer any of my 500 questions about a unique sale. They are greatly appreciated!
Bobbie and her staff are great and always get things done right.
Denise was AMAZING!!!! Would recommend her any day.
Denise Nojaim was great and always fast and concise with her communication. Excellent job and a good overall experience
Denise Nojaim did an excellent job. Extremely organized.
Great Communication and had answers to all my questions.
Tina was fantastic. She did so much in a short escrow period and was a pleasure to work with.
Jeff Macias was very professional and helpful, he REALLY went out of his way to help us close on time.
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